2021 Highlights


Economic and financial highlights1

1,370.8 ML

Adjusted total revenue
+2.8% compared to 2020

1,008.9 ML

Adjusted EBITDA
+4.1% compared to the 2020 result

583.2 ML

Adjusted EBIT
+6.2% compared to the 2020 result

367.7 ML

Adjusted net profit2
+6.0% compared to the 2020 restated result (+6.5% before restatement)

865.1 ML

€775.7 million in 2020

831.9 ML

Cash flow from operating activities3
€746.6 million in 2020

4,980.0 ML

Net financial debt4
€4,736.5 million on 20203

4,910.0 ML

Net financial debt4 (excluding the effects of IFRS 16)
€4,660.2 million on 2020

Proposed dividend of

0.295 €

per share
an increase of 6.5% compared to the dividend paid in 2021

1 For the economic and financial analyses for the financial year 2021, the company considered it more representative to comment on the adjusted results, i.e. the recurring results, comparing them with the adjusted recurring results for the financial year 2020.
2 Adjusted net profit refers to the adjusted amount attributable to the Italgas Group, net of the portion attributable to minority interests.
3 Net of the effects deriving from IFRS 15.
4 At 31 December 2021, net financial debt reported in the Directors’ Report did not consider liabilities for € 5.6 million due to Conscoop, consisting of shareholder loans disbursed by it to Isgastrentatrè, later incorporated into Medea, insofar as they were considered part of the deferred purchase price settlement.

Operating highlights5


868.6 thousand

new smart meters
installed to replace traditional meters

+1,339 km

Distribution network in operation
for an overall length of approximately 74,400 km


Municipalities with gas distribution service concessions
1,887 as at 31 December 2020,
of which 1,822 operating
1,804 as at 31 December 2020

5 Considering the affiliates over which Italgas does not exercise control.

Sustainability Highlights


103 t CO2e Scope 1 e 2
-7.3% on 2020

8,886.68 ML

volumes of gas distributed (cubic metres)
+4.8% on 2020


energy intensity6
-4.3% on 2020


Gas leakage rate7
-13.0% on 2020


Fugitive emissions/km network
-10.3% on 2020

0.081 gNOX

Grams of pollutants per km
travelled by the car fleet
same as 2020


Grams particulate
-18.3% on 2020


Employee and contractor
accident frequency index8:
with 1.41 in 2020


women in po sitions of responsibility
with 16.7% in 2020


women in the company
with 15.1% in 2020


total hours of training provided
+48.0% on 2020
of which 24,832 for topics
relating to digitisation

2,247.2 ML

economic value directly
generated by the Group
+6.7% on 2020
of which 1,681.1 ML
distributed to stakeholders
+8.0% on 2020


new suppliers assessed using
environmental criteria
+13.9% on 2020

6 Calculated as the ratio of total Group energy consumption and gas distributed.
7 Volume of fugitive emissions of natural gas/volume of gas distributed.
8 Frequency index: number of injuries recorded / million hours worked.