Italgas, which has always considered its people as its most valuable assets, has defined a series of actions within the 2021-2027 Strategic Plan, aimed at their development and growth. The Group continues to invest in upskilling and reskilling, with an important focus on digital learning and the identification on the market of resources who can add digital skills. In addition, the insourcing of the Group’s main core activities is envisaged, in line with the approach taken in recent years, and the inclusion of new resources aged under 30.
Increasing attention will then be paid to the topics of diversity & inclusion, through focussed initiatives and internal dissemination actions. The gender equality target has an important place among the many human capital challenges.
In line with the Code of Ethics, Italgas considers diversity a corporate asset: it respects the dignity of every individual and guarantees equal opportunities in all aspects of the employment relationship, preventing any form of discrimination deriving from differences in sex, age, health, ethnicity, nationality, political or religious opinions.
As at 31 December 2021, the Italgas Group had 3,904 employees (compared to 3,985 in 2020).
Specifically, 93% of the company population are hired on permanent contracts, while apprenticeship contracts account for the remaining 7%. The apprenticeship contracts terminated in 2021 were all transformed into permanent contracts.
In 2021, 221 people joined, of whom 217 were hired on the market and 4 come from internal transfers from affiliate companies.
The increase continues in the absolute value of the number of university graduates, while those who have completed secondary school or other schooling levels, declines.
In 2021, 58.5% of hires regarded resources aged under 30 years old, a percentage that is in line with the objective included in the 2021-2027 Strategic Plan, which envisages the inclusion of more than 60% of resources aged under 30 throughout the plan time-line. The figure is consistent with the trend recorded in 2019-2021 and shows constant growth.
Vice versa, 302 staff left the Group, of whom 298 due to termination of employment contracts and other reasons (mainly for retirement).
Development at Italgas is intended to ensure an increase in the skills required by the business strategies. The Company, in fact, provides all employees and collaborators with career opportunities based on merit, professional and managerial expertise and active participation in company development and improvement processes.
In 2021 the change management process began, which will lead to the identification of the Italgas purpose, vision, mission and leadership model and to the definition of identifying values, which will be the cornerstones on which to create an articulated plan of actions in 2022. More specifically, the leadership model will form the base on which to build a new performance management system and structure the Italgas Managerial Academy. In 2021, the talent strategy project was also started, which will guide development activities in 2022.
The managerial development programme, launched in 2020 to support development of the managerial culture, digital transformation and the significant generational handover continued during 2021. The plan’s logic and pillars are as follows: the management of performance through the continuous feedback culture, the development of staff potential through an assessment and empowerment programme and the consequent development and career plans.
Moreover, the following continued in 2021: the mapping of the managerial potential of newly appointed managers, also for the purposes of updating the Succession Planning and individual Coaching courses for executives and middle managers who have acquired more responsibilities over the year.
In relation to the accelerated career paths, the young engineers hired in 2017 and included in the rotation programme have completed their job rotations and now hold roles as managers/ professionals in the various Group companies.
Training and development courses aimed at empowerment and skills consolidation were also improved, with a focus on digital and managerial skills. A snapshot of the main initiatives is shown below:
For graduates who had recently joined the Group, the Training and Development Programme (“Italgas School”) combines classroom-based training activities over several modules with activities for developing potential and managerial skills using the self-empowerment methodology. The programme also involves a development centre (in the two junior and expert formats, according to seniority) downstream of which a meeting is organised for each participant to look at their development profile with HR and their line manager.
The second edition of the Italgas School is under way with over 57 participants in 2020, and will conclude in mid-2022. During the second half of 2022, the 3rd edition will be launched. In 2021, the total number of training hours dedicated to this course was 1072.
In order to support the ongoing digital transformation in Italgas, the “Digitalgas” programme was developed in 2021, a path by which to develop the innovation and change management skills by the ICT Department and the Technological Innovation Department. The programme is divided into four phases: Define & Ideate, Ethnographic Research, Sharing Insight & Idea Generation and Prototyping Ideas.
In November 2021, the “WeLEAD” development path began, aimed at supporting recently-appointed managers in taking up their roles and acquiring the key competences, techniques and tools to manage and develop their team and the business. The pilot involved 19 people for a total of 304 training hours and in 2022, another 60 colleagues will be trained.
u.m.0. | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | |
Percentage of new positions held by in-house candidates | % | 96.6 | 90.6 | 87.6 |
The percentage of positions held by in-house candidates has reduced slightly on 2020 insofar as in 2021, the Group increased certain hires on specialised skills acquired by the market.
It is noted that with the Smart Rotation project, the last two months of 2021 have seen 8 positions covered out of a total of 17 positions opened.
With a view to strengthening the exchange of skills in the Group, optimising its people and fostering the development of internal talent and professionalism, in November 2021, the smart rotation project was launched. This is a system of internal Job Posting used by Italgas, which immediately informs its employees of any vacancies in the company and the possibility of applying for them before selection begins on the external market.
The 2021-2027 Strategic Plan pays close attention to the Italgas people and the development of their competences. A key role is therefore played by training, which is giving a further boost to personal reskilling and upskilling.
All employees, regardless of their job description or contract type, plus all new resources, are offered dedicated training and development activities.
In 2021, training continued to focus on digital learning initiatives (provision of 250,000 hours by 2027 of training on the digital transformation): training courses and initiatives were held in virtual remote classrooms, also thanks to Italgas advanced technologies and the introduction of new gamification tools that made it possible to guarantee the continuity and effectiveness of training. The transfer of specialist technical know-how required for maintenance, management and performance of Italgas assets continued in spite of the pandemic.
The specific training paths for various technical and professional figures continued in 2021 in a “digital learning” format, with over 28,000 hours of training and 3,250 attendees.
Training continued of the community of 65 Digital Ambassadors – present in all areas of the main offices and across the territory – who contributed to help the transfer of digital expertise at Italgas with their willingness to carry out the role of internal teachers, participating proactively and with commitment in the training initiatives offered.
On MyLearning, a multimedia platform dedicated to training, various training actions were launched on cybersecurity, the latter intended to promote awareness and maintain the focus on risks associated with the dissemination of company information and, in particular, the cyber attacks and fraud that take place through malicious phishing campaigns.
To foster the knowledge transfer and professional updates on technical systems and the deployment activities of the Digital Factory, digital training was delivered using train-the-trainer procedures and in-depth sessions through shadowing on new digital systems, with the help of expert employees.
In 2021, a total of over 112,000 hours of training were provided and every employee on average received over 28 hours of training.
The average external costs incurred per Italgas resource are around € 280, not including more than 2,000 hours of internal teaching.
In addition to that already described, the main training programmes developed in 2021 were as follows:
HSEQ training – traditionally undertaken via classroom teaching, as well as in the field – also continued in the new digital manner, while maintaining the same standards of effectiveness and in accordance with the legislative requirements set out to enable specific activities. In 2021, Italgas then added various initiatives to involve the entire chain of suppliers. This is the context into which the “HSE Partners Lb” and “Communication management in emergency situations” fall, aimed at raising awareness amongst our partners on paying closer attention to improve prevention, increase safety levels, reduce the environmental impacts, stimulate a more efficient use of resources and, at the same time, increase communication skills and awareness in the various situations, so as to be able to offer an ever-better service to the public.
Employee training for safety at work also continued in 2021, with the relative periodic refreshers, as per the State/Regions Agreement, through courses taken in an e-Learning format. All training initiatives are extended to all Italgas Group companies.
In 2021, the fourth edition of the 9box mapping was carried out, a process that positions the population in nine possible quadrants, a cross-over between the overall role performance in the last 12 months (below expectations, in line with expectations, above expectations of the role) and three levels of potential that can be used in the organisation (low, medium, high potential for growth). Mapping is a process of sharing observations of resources by line and HR managers, and is the compass by which actions are guided for career development, role growth, total reward, resource management. In 2021, several innovations were introduced in the process:
After the training, the performance feedback campaign was finalised.
In order to attract, motivate and retain the best talents, Italgas promotes employee commitment and performance through the definition and implementation of compensation policies, that are very much focussed on meritocracy and differentiated according to performance and professional and managerial abilities, by considering:
The Italgas Group remuneration policy is to be approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting and is based on the following principles:
The 2021 Remuneration Policy has been widely accepted and approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting with 96.4% of votes in favour in regard to the section on the 2021 Policy and 97.3% of votes in favour of the section on fees paid in 2020.
The compensation systems, in particular, are periodically assessed and updated based on a comparison with best practice and the remuneration markets of reference in relation to criteria inspired by meritocracy, internal equality and external competition in order to ensure the recognition of the results achieved is correctly rewarded and aligned with the overall business results, thereby assuring the development, growth, attraction and retention rate of key individuals in order to contribute to the achievement of comprehensive business objectives.
The analysis of the fixed remuneration, which is therefore connected with the nature and responsibilities of the role, highlights the consistency of this approach; the ratio of fixed remuneration paid in 2021 to the CEO and the average fixed remuneration of Italgas employees in 2021 is 1:20, a ratio that remains effectively unchanged on the previous year.
Once a year, Italgas carries out a structured analysis and review of the fixed remuneration of employees with a view to acknowledging personal merits and growth. This process considers both principles of internal fairness and competitiveness towards the external market and the performance and potential of the people themselves. In addition, in order to assure the development of the strategic plan and the achievement of the business objectives, Italgas assigns incentive systems with shortand long-term horizons, based both on monetary instruments and shares. The beneficiaries of these incentive systems are the managerial roles, first and foremost the Chief Executive Officer and Executives with strategic responsibilities.
From time to time, the performance is assessed in relation to the incentive systems that provide for the disbursement of premiums only where the objectives assigned are reached, thereby assuring a strong focus on results and a solid tie between remuneration and performance.
In 2021, thanks to an agreement reached with the main trade union organisations, for all middle managers, an individual target card was introduced, to which 50% of the corporate premium is linked, in a bid to further strengthen the focus on results and assign increasing importance to merit. In addition, just like in 2020, the assessment of the performance of all Group company unit managers, has been confirmed.
In 2021, performance assessment involved 60 executives (11 of whom were women) and 367 non-executives (82 of whom were women), coming to a total of 427 people, divided among the various Italgas Group companies as follows:
Talent Analytics in Italgas means collecting, analysing and processing statistics on large quantities of data linked to people (internal and external) in order to make better organisational and operative decisions. Since 2021, there has been an organisational unit called Talent Analytics in place, dedicated to the spread of a data-driven culture, also on HR matters.
Just as for the physical assets and operative processes (thanks to the support of the Network analytics organisational unit), also the data relating to the people and their “movements” within the organisation is used to obtain valuable information to make more informed decisions.
In 2021, data-driven projects were implemented, supported by the use of BI technologies, on HR processes that range from selection and performance and potential assessment right through to the internal and external movements of our workforce.
Below are three examples:
In 2021, relations between the Italgas Group and the trade unions saw the involvement and participation of structures at national, local and company levels. During the year, relations with the trade unions were particularly intense and focused on the process of renewing the Group’s RSUs and RSAs by calling for elections in October. Early 2021, the new electoral parameters were defined, taking into account the organisational changes that had taken place during the last two years, and the conditions recognised for being appointed unitary trade union representative and workers’ representatives for health, safety and the environment on a Group level. Trade union communication procedures have also been agreed for the electoral phase and the new tool of the Electronic Union Notice Board launched and regulated. More specifically, significant agreements were reached on the following issues: update of the COVID protocol, launch of the vaccination plan, regulation of collective transfers by means of the Site Plan, final calculation of the Results Premium for 2020 and setting of the productivity and profitability targets for 2021, with specific reference to the definition of an agreement regarding the productivity of the middle managers. In 2021, 116 meetings were held with trade unions, 36 of which at national level and 80 at local level. The figure confirms the constant involvement of representatives at all levels. At the end of 2021, the total number of employees in the Group was 3,904 and the total number of employees registered with a trade union was 1,816; therefore, the percentage of employees registered with a trade union organisation was 46.51%.
To address the Covid-19 health emergency and guarantee employee safety, in 2021 smart working conditions continued to be used, calibrating the maximum number of days to be spent working from home according to the need to maintain distances within the offices and depending on infection and employee vaccination levels. For all operational staff, on the other hand, in order to avoid crowding in the offices, the method of working from home has continued to be implemented.
The lawsuit with employees and former employees of the Italgas Group, although basically stable over time, has decreased on 2020, due to the definition of 17 serial judgements connected with a single dispute relative to various employees of the former AES of Turin.
Employee disputes | U.o.m. | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
Disputes started during the year | no. | 13 | 35 | 19 |
Disputes closed during the year | no. | 15 | 16 | 36 |
Total disputes pending as at 31/12 (employees and former employees) | no. | 20 | 41 | 24 |
In 2021, a total of 19 new disputes were brought and 36 were closed. At 31 December 2021, a total of 24 disputes were pending, of which two brought by groups of workers and respectively regarding economic requests relative to holidays and the institution of reduced working hours.
In general, legal action brought against the Group companies (Italgas Reti, Medea and Toscana Energia) mainly referred to the following situations: difference between professional category and related remuneration, economic claims of various types, occupational illness, challenge of disciplinary measures inflicted, including dismissals.
In 2021, with the creation of the Heritage Lab, collaboration began with the cooperative company Il Maringe and the Piedmont Employment Agency in order to actively involve people recognised as “fragile” in the world of work.
Finally, it should be noted that no incidents of discrimination occurred during 2021.
During the year, the Group started various initiatives to design the “new normal” and guarantee its employees a more inclusive, more modern employee experience. Below are the main project started in 2021:
More specifically, as the first step of this transformation, a new intranet has been issued, as a central hub of the employee experience, which can put the needs and expectations of colleagues at the centre, simplifying access to communication, information, tools and services, maximising the possibilities of communication and the exchange of know-how.
As second step, the activities of the HR teams have been optimised, starting with the Recruiting & Onboarding process through the introduction of new digital tools, the evolution of the solutions already available and the convergence of the front office experience in the new intranet.
Through these tools, the employee’s journey within the company is completely redesigned, from the application through to when the company is left.
In Italgas, personal and professional well-being are seen as company assets. Indeed, people are always at the heart of the Italgas Group’s focus and the Welfare Plan, dedicated to all Group employees, stems precisely from the initiatives taken in a bid to improve the quality of life of its people, helping them strike a fair balance between their personal and working lives, creating a lively, active community.
The Welfare Programme is structured into a series of services and initiatives designed to meet the different needs and demands of the population in terms of family management, income support, health and physical well-being, free time and dealing with the day-to-day issues as they arise. The services are available for use by all Group employees on permanent contracts, including part-time workers.
The initiatives implemented evolve constantly and are outlined each time on the basis of the needs and demands expressed by colleagues.
In 2021, in fact, a survey was given out to all Group employees, to which more than 1,300 employees contributed, seeking to analyse needs and demands, with the aim of then structuring an increasingly cutting-edge, complete and inclusive Welfare Plan. On the basis of the main evidence that emerged, a series of new initiatives has been identified, launched in 2021:
Apart from the new services introduced in 2021, the Welfare Plan continued on from previous years:
The initiatives implemented in 2021 have proven very popular, with great acceptance, involvement and enthusiasm seen by all Group people: at 31.12.2021, more than 3,500 employees had registered with the portal (+12.6% on 2020) and approximately 7,000 requests for services had been made by users (+69% on 2020).
In line with the Strategic Plan objectives, which envisage a greater dissemination and use of welfare services by 2027 (target: 75% of the company population), in 2021, the number of active users (company population that has used at least one service) is 65.9% of the total company population, recording a significant increase on 2020.
In 2021, the Group launched two editions of the “Italgas Health Challenge”, a sports challenge dedicated to all employees with the aim of encouraging sport and a balance between work and personal lives. The two editions were attended by 470 members who, thanks to their registration with the challenge platform, supported the Eden Reforestation Project and guarantees the planting of 503 trees in support of the communities in Brazil.
With a view to listening and engaging its people, in 2021 Italgas launched the climate survey “La tua voce conta” (Your voice matters), dedicated to all Group employees, who were thus able to express their opinion on various themed areas: listening, training, workload, pandemic management, inclusion and diversity, remuneration and recognition, performance, innovation, health and safety and much more besides. The survey recorded an adhesion rate of 87%, higher than that of the latest surveys run to date and above the reference benchmark and more than 43% of participants gave free comments, thereby further validating and extending the feedback received.
The main evidence was anticipated by the HRO Manager to the Group’s first line in December 2021 and to all the company population by end 2021.
Early 2022, the results were officially communicated to all colleagues: the areas of excellence and the areas of improvement were analysed, as well as the guidelines for action to be taken in 2022, in response to the subject that had arisen. For everyone, moreover, a mailbox has been activated to which suggestions, ideas and proposed improvements can be sent, with the aim of always guaranteeing continuous listening and implementing actions that are truly effective for the Group people.
The initiatives started immediately following the needs that emerged from the survey include the promotion of smart working: a series of suggestions aimed at promoting “virtuous” behaviour that may help in organising the working day and support the work-life balance of everyone.
The important, continuous commitment of the Group in taking care of its people, has been rewarded: in 2022 again the Italgas Group is confirmed amongst the certified Top Employers Italy 2022. Top Employers certification is the official recognition of the company’s excellences in HR strategies and policies and their implementation to help ensure the well-being of people, improve the workplace and the world of work. The certification is issued to companies that achieve and satisfy the high standards demanded by the HR Best Practices Survey, which examines and analyses 20 different topics in-depth and the respective best practices, including People Strategy, Work Environment, Talent Acquisition, Learning, Well-being, Diversity & Inclusion and many others.
In line with the attention paid to the topics of Diversity & Inclusion in the Strategic Plan, in 2021, female presence in the company improved significantly, also in terms of women holding positions of responsibility. In particular, 22% of Group managers are women, a clear rise on last year (16.7% in 2020), whilst in all, a total of 16.4% of the company workforce are women (15.1% in 2020), also taking into account the traditional male presence in the technical operative areas of the company.
Women of all employees, by professional category | | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
Executives | % | 14.8 | 13.8 | 17.2 |
Managers | % | 14.9 | 17.2 | 19.7 |
Office workers | % | 23.0 | 24.4 | 26.0 |
Manual workers | % | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 |
Total | % | 14.1 | 15.1 | 16.4 |
Diversity indicators | U.o.m. | 2020 | 2021 | Notes |
Women of total workforce | % | 15.1 | 16.4 | total workforce |
Women in positions of responsibility | % | 16.7 | 22.2 | all positions of responsibility |
Women in junior positions of responsibility | % | 17.3 | 23.1 | all positions of junior responsibility (first level) |
Women in top management positions | % | 13.8 | 17.2 | all top management positions (two levels from CEO) |
Women in positions of responsibility in revenue-generating departments | % | 12.4 | 18.0 | this type of position |
Women in STEM positions | % | 34.5 | 35.8 | this type of position |
In line with the objectives included in the 2021-2027 Strategic Plan, the Italgas Group includes in its priority commitments, the definition and implementation of policies and processes of inclusion and optimisation of Group diversity, whether gender, age or background.
Through the 2021 creation of a specific structure within the HRO Department in the Talent & Change Management area, and with the establishment of the figure of the Diversity & Inclusion Manager, Italgas’ approach to Diversity & Inclusion in fact received new drive and method, with the launch of a structured awareness-raising and engagement process involving the whole of the company population, with the pursuit of an action plan that will be developed over the next three years.
Some of the main Diversity & Inclusion initiatives carried out in 2021 in Italgas include:
The constant commitment continues to reducing the pay gap between men and women: in 2021, in fact, the difference in the number of training hours aimed at both genders was aligned (see section “Training programmes”) and the difference between the salary received by men and women in all roles was further reduced42.
In 2021, the focus was kept on the degree of accessibility of the applications developed by Italgas in all phases of the process. In particular, also thanks to the new proprietary Design System, during all phases of the design and development of technological solutions, specific tests are run on accessibility for blind and poorly-sighted users.
42 Due to the type of business, the population of Italgas workers is very much imbalanced towards the male gender, hence the sample is not statistically significant.
The commitment towards health and safety was formalised through the adoption of the Italgas Group Health, Safety, Environment, Quality and Energy Policy (HSEQE), developed on the basis of company policies and in line with the Code of Ethics aimed at enhancing and protecting human resources, essential values for the Company.
Some of the specific commitments on which the Policy is based in fact regard:
In relation to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Italgas Group, from the start of the Covid-19 emergency, has established a Crisis Committee with the task of constantly monitoring the situation and assessing any action to be taken in response to the evolution of the emergency situation and the consequent directives given by the competent Authorities. In 2021, the Crisis Committee met 37 times.
The company has taken proper prevention and protection measures in regard to all its workers, identified to prevent the spread of the virus in the workplace, implementing the measures defined by the reference Authorities that envisage, amongst others, the supply of specific personal protection equipment (e.g. FFP2/3 masks, surgical masks and disposable gloves) and the adoption of organisational measures aimed at minimising people’s travel and fostering social distancing (suspension of transfers, smart working, permits, etc.). In 2021, 10 communications were sent to all staff, through the HSEQ department, containing the protocol adopted by the Company updated according to the indications of provisions issued by the competent authorities.
In 2021, as regards information, meetings with suppliers should be highlighted, which, due to the Covid-19 health emergency, were held over the internet. In all, 24 meetings were held with contractors, during which the data on incidents was examined and commented and awareness was raised on safety topics. In addition, 19 specific digital conventions should be noted with the territorial poles addressed in particular towards raising awareness to injuries, the analysis of incidents, including near misses, and the definition of corrective actions to be implemented.
In 2021, a major reduction was recorded in injuries involving employees, which went from 7 in 2020, to 4. In all cases, an in-depth analysis was performed on the causes so as to identify the corrective action necessary to avoid any repetition of similar incidents. The frequency index, calculated considering only employee injuries, has improved considerably, dropping to 0.61 (1.07 in 2020). The severity index has instead remained constant at 0.01.
The number of injuries involving contractors in the last three years has stayed constant at 8; in 2021, having worked more hours than in previous years, we can see an improvement in the frequency index, which comes to 1.71 (1.94 in 2020). The severity index also improves, dropping to 0.07 (0.10 in 2020).
The comprehensive frequency index, considering the sum of employee injuries and injuries involving contractor staff, has dropped to 1.07 (1.41 in 2020), with the number of injuries declining: 12 as compared with 15 in del personale degli appaltatori, è sceso a 1,07 (1,41 nel 2020) con il numero di infortuni in calo: 12 rispetto ai 15 del 2020.